Friday, September 20, 2013

Design Details

Good Design: Car that can skip traffic.

A car that can skip over traffic seems farfetched, but in reality it's not.  The car will be built with a spring mechanism where the wheels can retract in and out to heighten the vehicle. The wheels would need to be spread apart so that they can be wide enough to pass a vehicle without hitting it.

Bad Design: 2D Goggles

Depth of field is one of the many ways humans are able to tell where certain objects are spatially thanks to our two eyes. What the 2D goggles basically do is copy the image that one eye sees and projects it into the other eye, making the image 2D. Obviously this is a bad idea since walking around with this thing completely takes away a humans depth of field so if someone were to go walking across the street, they wouldn't know if that giant garbage truck was up close or far away.

Friday, September 6, 2013

My Picture

Answers to Questions

1.What's your computer experience?

I have recently built my own gaming PC that has 8gbs of DD3 RAM, an AMD Quad Core processor that can be over clocked to around 4.3 Ghz, and a 1Tb hard drive (Which you'll have to believe me is a lot). Because video game consoles are streamlined PCs, I tend to know the guts of consoles such as the Ps3 and Xbox 360.

2. What is your major class?

I am currently pursuing a career in Video Game Design and I hope to become a director of projects that include my own ideas.

3. What do you hope to get out of this class?

My hope is to become more skilled in Photoshop so that I have the knowledge to create design documents or any kind of 2d art in a video game (Sprites, loading screens, health bars).

4. Who is your favorite artist?

Artists come in all shapes and forms, but one who seems to constantly cover them all is Hideo Kojima, head of Kojima productions and director/writer/creator of the Metal Gear Solid Series. He brings something new through his writing and artistic vision.

5. I don't want to make video games just because they are fun to play rather, I want to tell a story. I don't want to make games that simulate real life, but I want to make characters that have emotions, backstory, and interesting arcs so that they are realistic even if unrealistic events occur in the game. This is my ultimate goal.